This quilt was commissioned by some very dear friends for one of their family members that was turning 60 in November (on Thanksgiving!). The only stipulation was that it had to have a squirrel theme :) Sew, we scoured the earth (even Seattle, Alaska and Canada when we were there on a cruise) looking for anything that might work. We bought online from and ebay as well. I designed the layout on my EQ7 and then pretty much winged it from there. Here are some pictures:
As usual I used leftover fabrics for the back of the quilt. They also let me keep any of the leftovers, probably about 3 yards in total.
I quilted it with a leaf motif and viny loops :)
Although it was technically a twin size (72 x 84 in.) it just fit on top of this queen bed. In total I spent 16.5 hours from beginning to end. It was easy and fun, especially working with such crazy prints! And, the pattern was perfect for large, medium and small prints!
Anyway, the recipient was just "nuts" about it :) I hear it was a great birthday celebration. And to top it all off, I got paid to do something I love. The money I made will definitely help me support my habit.
On a side note, the winner of the Blog Hop Party Giveaway from last month was Tami C. She chose the colors red and green. She has already received her prize in the mail.
Hope all is well my friends! Happy holidays to you all!
Until next time,
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