Well, anyway, this is what I made this weekend:
I'm still working on my Craftsy Block of the Month. This is the first block for August. I'm way behind. The fabrics are Michael Miller (at least some are). They came from leftover scraps from my friend Mel up in Massachusetts. She doesn't quilt, but she is crafty!
I also wanted to give a shout out to Missy, Lily, Sandy, and Mary. I had my very first ever sewing class/event. I drove up to North New Jersey to the store that sold me the long arm quilter. It was show and tell and a small class type of thing. I had a great time! It meets every two months and I can't wait for the next one :)
Let me know what you think about the Monday share party thing. I am thinking it should incorporate some giveaway thing too!
Until next time,