Well, it's that time again. To help chase away the Winter Blues, Quilting Gallery is hosting another Quilters’ Blog Hop Party. Everyone with a quilting/sewing related blog is welcome to participate, even if it’s not Winter where you are. Sew, I'm participating :)
If you are wondering about the title of this post, well, here it goes. My Pfaff machine (Vicky) is getting serviced, et cetera, et cetera, so I needed a machine to sew on during the 3 week hiatus. I bought a sewing table a couple of years ago, a very old one, and it had a sewing machine built into it... a Singer Touch Tronic 2001 (circa 1978):
I took it out of the basement, plugged it in and lo and behold. It worked! It's loud, but a real workhorse! Anyway, I did not want to continue any projects on it, just for consistency, so I started on my first rag quilt! I already had the pieces cut (for a while). I did not have a quarter inch foot for this machine, but half inch was already indicated on the plate, so I figured this would work since generally a half inch seam allowance is used for rag quilts. I also discovered some interesting features on the machine. Bobbin winding: the bobbin winds while it's still in the machine without having to unthread the top. Cool. It also has a little red light that comes on when the bobbin is low, although you can see the bobbin through a little window while you sew. I don't like the fact that it does not have a needle up/down position. I am constantly using the dial on the right to raise and lower the needle. I thought for sure it would need oiled or something. The manual said never needs oiled (yeah, right). The answer to all the trouble shooting in the manual said "check bobbin area for lint." LOL!
Here are some pictures of my progress on the rag quilt. I love owls on fabric, so this one will be all owls with all solids on the back:
In honor of this occasion, I am giving away these rag quilt snippers (they're awesome) and some of the leftover flannel:
Ok, you are not going to win all of this :) It's probably like 8 yards of flannel. I'm going to cut up about 4 yards of it. I will give all of the owls and some of the solids. I think you could make a nice baby quilt out of it. The only catch is... if you win, print out this post... put it on your stack of fabric (like I do when I win) so that when you finally make something you LET ME KNOW!!!
Here's a photo of my latest quilt I'm working on too (not rag). And a photo of some inspiration:
The rag quilt snippers were on my Christmas wish list last year and two people got me a pair. So, in turn, one of you got lucky :)
The giveaway rules say make it simple, so here goes. You don't have to be a follower, but feel free to check out where you can follow me on the right side bar and go ahead and do so if you desire :) Leave a comment on this post. I would like to know how you make rag quilts. What size square do you use? Do you use batting in the sandwich squares or flannel or nothing? Do you always use flannel, maybe minky, regular cotton? Do you always sew the X in the middle or do something else? What size seam allowance do you use? If you have never made one, let me know how you envision you might do it, or why you would never make one.
You don't have to answer all of these questions. These are just some ideas. Write something that might be a good tip, trick, idea.... something I and my readers might want to know. Make sure I can contact you so I don't have to pick another winner! The giveaway will go until midnight Eastern Time, Sunday, March 17th!!!
Be sure to go to the Quilters’ Blog Hop Party and visit the other bloggers that are participating.
Until next time,

I've never made a rag quilt but winning your giveaway would give me a great start. Although being the first commenter never seems to help anyone. BTW, I'm a follower.
Hey Mike- great title - sure got my attention!! I have made 2 'shaggy' quilts - one I used a 9" square and the other a 4" square. I preferred the larger square, both with quilting fabric. Would lvoe to make one with fleece or minky - that would be so soft!! Graet giveaway!
I've never made one, but I've been thinking about it. I am new to quilting/sewing and my stash pile is, um, starting to pile up, so eventually I think I'll have enough flannel to get serious about it. I want to use flannel, the cozy-factor is what appeals to me! :)
I use mostly 6 in squares. I do a combination of flannel and cotton batting in middle. I have used cotton in front, flannel, and minky. I have recenty made two larger squared ones, one 8 1/2 inch and the other 9 inch. I have always sew the x through middle. I follow through GFC and email.
I've never made a rag quilt, but it's on my to-do list! They look so warm and snuggly! I'm a follower!
I have never made a rag quilt but will be interested to read your replies.
I am a follower too.
I too have never made one. But I'm enjoying yours in progress! carrie.hare at gmail dot com
I've never made a rag quilt but I'd like to have a go!
I have made a few rag quilts. The biggest by far was a queen for my son. My husband loved it so much he wants me to make another for us. My advice about that size is to make it in four sections. Clip those sections and then sew together. It makes handling it so much easier. Also, use your zipper foot to sew them together. It allows you to sew right next to the batting more smoothly. I used leftover fleece from other projects as the "batting" for the queen size. It is flannel, fleece, cotton. SUPER warm and heavy. Thanks for the chance to win. If I were to win the scissor I would give them to my DIL because I already have a pair.
I've never made a rag quilt, but would love to make one for our church quilt ministry. I would probably make it without batting and use 5" squares. Thanks for the giveaway!
I've never made a rag quilt but would love to have a go. Before I try anything I haven't done before I make sure I thoroughly research how to do it.
I ave never made a ragquilt before but would love to try!
I've made a couple rag quilts but I did some machine embroidery in each block and not the "X" in the center. Thanks for being in the blog hop.
I am already a Happy Follower :)
I have only helped on a Rag Quilt...I was a snipper! lol (hands get a workout!)These snips would've been sooo wonderful then too! I have a BUNCH of old jean squares cut now...6" size. Plan to back with flannels (I am addicted to Flannel!!lol) Probably make on same order you did yours.
Do not enter me into the drawing (I have a pair of those snips and some flannel. I just want to know if you are putting batting in this quilt . Or else what layers are you using.
Ahh, rag quilts, uhm never made one. Have one on the table to do, they look like fun. I do follow your blog and get your email. Have you sauntered over and checked out my blog? Stop by anytime. :)
thanks for the chance to win those cool snips, I think they would come in handy here in a few weeks.
I've never made a rag quilt before, but it is on my to do list! Winning this would def help me along! Thank you! I'm a follower too! mjalfano19 at gmail dot com
I am a follower. I make my rag quilts with six inch squares. I use a cheap thin flannel for the center. I would love a pair of these scissors.
I am already am a happy follower. I have never do.e a rag quilt but i am always willing to try something new, life is too short not to babscorbitt@gmail.com
I have made rag quilts with 6" squares and I also made a baby rag quilt using strips rather than squares. I used flannel as the batting. I'm sure the snips would have come in handy. Thank for a chance to win.
I made my daughter a rag quilt for Christmas with 6 inch squares. I sandwiched batting between the layers and made the x's. I had a design on the front and the back so i had to be really careful putting it together. I love the flannel because it frays when you wash it. I never use Minky. I follow via Google Reader.
I have always wanted to make a rag quilt. I would probably quilt an X on my first one, just to learn how the whole thing goes together, but after that i am sure I'd experiment.
Where have those snips been??!! I needed those when I made my rag quilt! It was my first quilt! I used a layer cake, so 10x10 and did the X quilting. I used flannel for the backing of each square but I wish I had used a batting as it is not warm enough. Cutting those strips hurt so bad and I was surprised I didn't have strong enough scissors. :/ I also have a hole or two at some junctions that I need to fix still.
And I have yet to make a completed quilt. That was my first AND last! 2 UFOs though.
I've not made a rag quilt yet. It is on my list of scrap busters so someday I should be making one.
I have only made one rag quilt. I used 6 inch squares with no batting. When I got done doing all of the cutting I decided that was hard work. Would love those scissors!
I have made a rag quilt using old denim jeans on the top and polar fleece on the back. This makes a great camping quilt.
I have never made rag quilts, but for "regular" quilts- I use or minky (as a back) or fleece as a batting (very soft, easy sewing... And for seam allowance- almost always use 1\4 inch :) Many thanks for the great giveaway!
I habe not made one but love the look of them and have wanted to make one. Love your give away.
OH WOW, I didn't even know the made special snips for rag quilts, I haven't made one but sure would like to.
Thanks for the chance to try my hand at it, Cindy Aus.
I am a follower...who enjoys your blog for its filled with superb ideas. Very inspiring. I have yet to learn to make a rug quilt...maybe in the future I will.
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
Great giveaway, thank you!
I've never made a rag quilt, but if I win the snips, I surely will make one. I'll put a spiral on the blocks (instead of an X) to practice my machine quilting.
haven't made on yet, so you are ahead of me! But I really would like to try. I am reading the tips you've gathered here to be prepared....Thanks for a great giveaway. Enjoy the hop!
I'm new to quilting. A rag quilt looks like something I could do! Thanks for the chance.
I have never made a rag quilt but if I won your scissors I would try to make one.
I've never made one and don't really like owls, but I do make lap quilts for senior services so these will work great. Tip: always measure from the needle to edge of fabric to check seam allowance.
I have never made a rag quilt but always wanted too. I would try my first one out of flannel.. Thanks.
It seems that most quilters always have a cat on or around their pictures of quilts. I like your yellow cat. Mine is black. I have made rag baby quilts before. No batting in between.Just the square of flannel on top of another square of cotton fabric. Then sew another piece to that one and keep going till you have a row. Then start all over again and make another row and another. Just sew all the rows together to make a baby quilt. Of course, those snippers will really come in handy as well as those flannel pieces. Thank you for helping out with your giveway and joining in the Beat the Winter Blues. Making a quilt will certainly help - a lot.
Sandi Timmons
I have made a few Rag quilts out of old jeans and flannel. The kids love these heavy warm quilts they are also nice to keep in trunk for picnic blankets! Great give away! I am a new follower!
I have made three rag quilts and they were mostly out of flannel and cotton 6" inch squares mixed. Very warm and snuggly. My grandson is now asking for a soft quilt so the flannel would be a good start for the project!
I'm still a pretty new quilter. I have yet to make a rag quilt. I would like to . If and when I make it I allready know I want to you flannels for it. Thansk for the chance to enter your giveaway.
I have never made a rag quilt as far as I know but I don't actually know what one is! I just do what I fancy.
Use your walking foot! It keeps everything nice and even! I stitched up a double fleece with batting lap/stroller blanket for my grandson and my walking foot made all that fabric breeze through the machine!
I love that there is a machine out there that has an indicator to let you know when the bobbin is running out, there's few things more frustrating than that!
Thank you for the chance :)
I have made rag quilts the 'regular' way, X through the centre, batting between layers etc. I have also used homespun fabrics in strips with 1/2" seam allowance to rag up. Then sewed a wavy line down the middle of strip to secure.
I haven't made a rag quilt yet, but it's on my to do list. I have some cute flannels I want to use and I plan on using my GO! Baby w/ the 5" square die to cut the fabric. Thanks for the chance to win!
love making rag quilts--those snips would come in handy! my fiskars spring loaded scissors have lost some of their springiness!
I haven't made a rag quilt... yet! Winning would help change that I am sure lol... and what a fab idea about printing off the post... genius!
Wow I am just about ready to make a rag quilt for my Granddaughter. This would be great.
I've never made one, but am keen to try - I think they make great little baby quilts.
bandkgram (at) hotmail (dot) ca
Tanya makes lots of rag quilts I think its been well over 6 months since I have made on (maybe its time again) 6 inch is what I make square wise as first ruler I bought I had a 6 inch square.
I have never made a rag quilt, but I'll try, and of course I'm going to tell you about the results. Your colour choices are lovely!
Thanks for the chance!
I've never made a rag quilt, so this would be a great opportunity to start! I do make donation baby quilts so that flannel could certainly be put to good use! Thanks for a great giveaway! And I promise to let you know what I made from them!
I've never made a rag quilt I'm ashamed to say..... perhaps I should put it on my 'to do' list xx
I've never made rag quilts, but they look like fun!
Working on a raggy quilt right now. 9 inch squares alternating with rectangles and 2 small squares to make up another 9inch block
I haven't make one before. But I love to make a baby quilt version.
I actually used rag quilts to help me feel comfortable with free motion quilting (instead of the standard x). I usually use 8" blocks - 2 flannel with one layer of batting or I have done one layer of denim and back with flannel - no batting... Thanks for the opportunity!
I will be helping my niece make a rag quilt for her godchild very soon. I need all the help I can get! Thanks
I use flannel as a rule...nothing in the middle..an X;yes. and inch seam allowance. thanks for the chance
I have used Flannel and I like to make blocks with a square and two rectangles. I do stitch an X in my middle and I don't use any batting. I haven't made one yet with cotton. I have heard that they don't rag as well but I would still like to try and I'm sure my baby girl would like one for herself instead of always gifting the ones I am making. haha
These snippers would inspire me to make a rag quilt. I've seen a demonstration with the gal using regular scissors, and determined that it wouldn't be for me. These have changed my mind. Hope I win!
I wish I had the snippers when I made my rag quilt. I used a six inch square with no batting. If I win, I will make my mom a lap quilt as she loves owls. Thanks for the chance to win.
I've only made one rag quilt. I layered it with batting, quilted each block before joining them, and was please with the end result.
I've never made a rag quilt, but it's on my list of ones to try. I've saved pictures & tutorials so when I'm ready, I'll have some help. Some special scissors would be great too. Thanks for the chance to win.
I've never made a rag quilt but I've seen them snipped and I've been told that a weed whacker will strips out the sides but again, I've never tried it, Thank You!
I've only made one rag quilt and it was a vehicle for my first foray into free motion quilting. I used three layers of flannel, solids on the top, prints on the bottom and plain white in the middle. I free motion quilted many different designs in the blocks and had fun with them. The hardest part of course was the snipping and I didn't have a pair of those special scissors. It was a baby quilt present and I don't have any pictures of it unfortunately.
I have not made a rag quilt yet, but have been contemplating it with regular cotton. It's on my pile of UFOs.
I have all the fabrics to make a rag quilt for my SIL in Australia. I plan to make use plain flannel for the "batting" & to sew an X in each square.
I've made a couple of rag quilts and like to quilt stars in the blocks. It's a fun process until it comes to the clipping....which is why those snips would be awesome! Thanks for the chance to win.
This would be my first rag quilt, but I have a sweet little niece that would love the owls. Thanks for the chance to win and the giveaway.
Honestly I'm not a fan of raq quilts. So I have no advise to give. I might be disqualified, lol. Happy sewing and thanks.
I haven't made a rag quilt, but it is something I have wanted to do. Would love to win so I could give it a go! Thanks.
I have made 2 rag quilts and I love it...have plans for 3 more. I generally make 6 to 8 inch blocks, use 80/20 batting in the center and I like to cut shapes and quilt in the center. So quick and easy and when you are through, you are really through. And they are so snuggly. Thanks for the chance to win.
I have only made a rag bib and the squares were smaller so I don't think I x'd them. It turned out adorable and washes up so well I;'d love to make another. These scissors would be very handy.
I have been saving up flannel from mens plaid shirts to make my first rag quilt. I plan on using flannel layers as batting and 1/2 inch seams. I am cutting 8" squares, and plan on cutting them diagonally too as I sew it. I'm looking for old shirts at the thrift store as often as I can. I think I need 5 more shirts to finish it. It will be a large lap quilt.
I haven't made one, but I would love to make one. Since you are doing all the cutting this one should go together pretty quick. It's the ones I have to cut out that take forever. (partly cuse I don't wanna cut into the fabric and partly cuse I might mess up and then not have enough)
I made one rag quilt from batik flannel. I used squares of batting in each block and a sewed an X on alternating blocks using embroidery stitches on my machine.
I am learning to make rag quilts. I use an accuquilt cutter and cut the batting front and back at the same time, makes it easy to put together! Thanks.
I don't make rag quilts yet because I don't have the scissors! I will try the simplest method first and then move on to putting batting in.
I havent made one yet but I have got those scissors on my list. I listened to Jenny at MSQ and she recommended these. I am a new follower Thanks for the gift
That looks like MY kitty "supervising" the fabric!
i have been wanting ti try one thanks
I've never tried a rag quilt. That tool might be just what I need to start.
That would be a great win. My friends have made rag quilts and I have tons pf fabric just for that purpose. Thanks for the chance to win.
This fabric would be fabulous for a charity quilt (our guild supports children in the local homeless shelter.)
I've never heard of rag snippers; that would make the process MUCH easier! Thanks for the chance to win some.
I would love to win those shears! I am making 3 rag quilts at the present--2 cut out and 1 to go. I recently made my first 2 and did not have the proper shears! My hands were sooooo tired. I borrowed a pair from my quilting buddy to use on these 3, and it is so much easier. I make 7 inch squares, no batting, 1/2 inch seams. This seems to work well. It is just so hard to sew with wrong sides together! Thanks for the chance to win!
I've never made a rag quilt and wopuld love to try. Thanks for sharing and for the opportunity on the draw. bonnielarson58@gmail.com
I never made a rag quilt but these prizes would be great to win to make one with. Thanks for the giveaway.
I have never made one but I bet my little one would love one. I will be adding it to my growing project list!
I've never made a rag quilt but you've inspired me - thank you. Thanks for the chance to win too - Owls are my favourite birds :)
I've never made a rag quilt but you've inspired me - thank you. Thanks for the chance to win too - Owls are my favourite birds :)
I was planning on making a rag quilt for my friend's baby! Hope I win!
A rag quilt is on my to-do list FOREVER - I'm afraid of cutting up all those seams ! So your giveaway might be the solution to this issue ;-))
I have made several rag quilts. I've used 6.5" squares and on the last one I made I used 8.5" squares. It sewed up so much easier and quicker. I sew the X across the middle, use a 1/2" seam allowance, I've used flannel inside and batting. I cut the batting an inch smaller around than the block itself. I love rag quilts. Still need to make myself one. LOL
I am a new follower!
I haven't made my rag quilt yet. I made a rag diaper bag that my daughter wanted instead. It's pink and real tree camo. I embroidered the Browning hunting symbol on some of the squares. I am supposed to make a baby quilt to match. My grandaughter might get it by the time she is 12, right now she is 8 months old. Thats how busy I am.
Tammy T
I´ve made 2 rugquilts. I handquilted each block with an X before I sew them together. You can see one of them on my header at my blog.
Gun, Sweden
I've never made one. A friend of mine was making one from Minkee and she complained it was hard to work with. I'd like try one though, and give it to my grand-daughter, Bailey. Very generous giveaway! Thanks!
I'm a new quilter and haven't made a rag quilt yet, but I would like to try!
I've made exactly one rag quilt and I thought my hand was going to fall off after all the snipping - good grief!!! Thanks for the giveaway :)
I haven't made one yet. Have been collecting the makings though. I did make one out of fleece that was clipped like a rag quilt. The snips would make it easier to cut than scissors. I love the owl fabric. Thanks for the chance to win.
Those would be a hug help in rag quilts!!! I use the flannel and batting in a 5" square. They are awesome quilts when finished.
I have never made a rag quilt, I basically appliqué.Thank you for the chance to win this lovely prize and taking part in the hop.
Gulp.....would you believe I have never made a rag quilt......fun giveaway and I'm a follower.
The only rag quilt I've made was with a bunch of my old t-shirts, putting pieces of an old flannel sheet in-between two pieces of shirt for more stability. Pretty simple but it turned out really well!
What fun! A rag quilt! I've never made one but would love to try one. bettyann@carrollfamily.org
I haven't made a rag quilt but I have just made my first pair of Flannel PJ pants for my daughter complete with French Seams. I am so proud of them and if I won more flannel I would hope there was just enough to make more PJ pants for her - she just loves them and I know she would be so excited about owls, she loves owls.
Thanks for sharing.
I make rag quilts. I usually use a 4 1/2 square, unfinished. I don't put in a middle layer and I don't sew the x through the middle.
I love to make rag quilts! I may or may not use batting, just depending. I like to make the squares about 8", but sometimes depends on the fabric, so I don't have a lot of waste.
I love making rag quilts and often do it with friends for charity events. It would be great to have another set of snippers to share because we are always snipping at the same time and trade off. Great giveaway, thanks!
Ich bin noch ein absoluter Anfänger in Sachen Patchwork und Quilting
Aber ich übe fleißig ;-)
Gerne würde ich diesen tollen Preis gewinnen
Grüße aus Deutschland
I have never made a rag quilt though I dream of making one. I have seen some with pictures on the squares instead of a cross. So sort of like a flower or simple design that looked wonderful but for my first rag quilt I would definitely use a cross - it is simple and effective.
I love to use flannel for quilts but really quick quilts I like to use polar fleece as it adds warmth and weight and thickness so you don't need to use wadding.
Love the owls and the colours you have found.
I've never made a rag quilt but one is on my list. I was thinking about cutting up some old blue jeans. You can't beat those old machines - they were made to last
I've never made a rag quilt but your site had given me inspiration! I think it's time to get working on one!!
I've never made a rag quilt before, but I would love to make one with jeans!
I haven't made a rag quilt yet, but I'm thinking if I were to, I'd probably use large squares (around 7" - 9") and layer them with backing, batting and top fabric and do the x or a squared x in a distance from each side.
Thanks for the chance to win....I've previously subscribed to your blog via email, but I don't think I've ever gotten any :(
I will become a follower once I've commented. I bought a kit to make one of these for my 35 yo daughter oh my gosh when she was in high school. Still haven't gotten to it. I imagine when I finally make it for my grandson I'll add some batting to the center.....THEN I'll take a picture and send it to you because of course I feel a win coming my way ;)
I have made rag quilts both with flannel in the middle and batting. The flannel made a nicer quilt but it was hard for the machine to sew through! I have used both 12 inch and four inch squares. They are my husbands favorite kind of quilt!
I've only made one rag quilt before, and it was precut, including the edges. Hint about your Singer machine, I don't care what the manual says, oil that machine, especially since it hasn't been used in a long time. Oil every part where metal touches metal. I'll bet it helps with the noise level, too. I use almost only vintage machines to sew with. They are the best.
A rag quilt has been on my list for quite a while, but I haven't made one yet. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I love those owls and i have wanted to do a rag quilt! great post and giveaway! thank you!
I've never made a rag quilt... Just haven't tried one yet. I've only just pieced my first quilt, but a rag one is on my list. Thanks for a chance to win! I especially love the owl fabric! :)
I actually made a couple of rag quilts and my nieces loved them I gave it up because they were so hard to cut. Mine were 5 inch squares with 1/2 inch seams. I put flannel in-between so there was three layers to cut. It did make the fringe nice. I'm sorry if I win I can't send you a photo as I have no idea how to do that. 3bakergirlsgo@gmail.com
I have never made a rag quilt but would like to at some point. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway. I also signed up to follow by email at my hotmail account.
Eye catching title, hehe. I have not made a rag quilt...yet, it is on my list of quilts to make. My sister made a rag quilt and made it similar the way you mentioned. She used half inch seams, 5" blocks I believe, quilted with a "X" and did use batting in between fabrics.
Thank you for a great giveaway and a chance to win.
I'm a follower as well.
I have never made a rag quilt but would love to try one. Winter is on it's way here in South Africa so what a great time to do one. Thanks for the opportunity to win the snippers to make my first rag quilt!
I have never made a rag quilt, but I really want to! Thank you for a lovely giveaway!
I've never made a rag quilt. I've never seen one in real life though! I imagine all those little frayed edges coming off everywhere - like sewing clothes in corduroy or velvet (until they get washed a few times) which I have done. Maybe I'm wrong?
I'm a novice quilter, so is it OK if I admit that I don't even know what a rag quilt is?
I've never made a rag quilt either. But I like your idea of making a copy and letting the person know when you've made something. There have been times that I knew someone asked me to show them, and I couldn't remember.
I've never made a rag quilt. I do love it when I have seen vests made w/lots of artsy stuff and some rag quilting included! Thanks for this Great Giveaway!
I have never made a rag quilt before. I should though :)
I haven't made a rag quilt yet,but one of these days I will, its on my todo list.
I prefer making rag quilts using homespun plaids - they ravel up really nice. No batting - I like them light!
Ive made a faux chenille wall hanging but not a rag quilt, I've got plenty of fleece for backings
I've never made a rag quilt before, but have always wanted to. I have a small stack of flannel charms I've been trying to decide what to do with, but it's not enough for a blanket, lol.
Thanks for the chance to win your generous giveaway!
I do not know, what exactly a rag quilt is, but if it means a quilt made of squares, I did quite a few of them. Square sizes are 10 x 10 cm, 15 x 15 cm and so on (cca. 4 inch by 4 inch, 6 by 6 and so on), Biggest was I think 30 cm x 30 cm (for changing diapers). Thanks for the chance. I have a friend who collects "owly" prints, thus I'd love to win it.
ehodasz at yahoo dot com
I love making rag quilts! Actually it was a rag quilt that brought me back to sewing and quilting in particular. I made my granddaughter a pink ballerina quilt. I do use the X method. I have since made my grandson his own quilt and if I remember correctly, I used different size blocks so I'm not sure what sizes I used. Check out my blog for my very first rag quilt! http://suebeesworld.blogspot.com/2009/05/this-is-what-brought-me-back-to-sewing.html
I've never sewn a rag quilt! Your post is inspiring me to tackle this type of quilting. Thanks for the tutorial.
I made a few rag pillows a long time ago....sometimes I snip the outside edges of a quilt for a fun raggy finish.
Rag quilts is one of the things I teach new quilters. It goes very fast and they see progress quickly as get excited for other projects. I make baby quilts out of 6.5, I even made several quilts out of 12.5! Now that goes super fast!
I used about a 6 inch square and put an x in the centre. One quilt had appliqué in the centre so I stitch around those
You sure need a great pair of snippet scissors, thanks.
I have only made one rag quilt because it is so hard to cut. Maybe those scissor would help that.
The rag quilt I made was curved from selvage to selvage. So you cut one long soft curve from side to side. It turned out great!
ktreve (at) hotmail (dot) com
Have a rag quilt right beside me that needs finishing and those rag clippers would be great. I sew an x on each square sandwich. I have 50 squares sewn so I am only part way there.
How great that old machine worked after sitting there.
I have not done a rag quilt yet but do have plans to make at least a few. One reason I haven't is because I haven't got the scissors for all the snipping. I have more than one blog where the person used regular scissors and said they would never do that again because of the pain their hands had.
When I do make one, I plan to use batting, I have thoughts of using minky, but have read a few horror stories about the mess from the threads all rag quilts have coupled with the minky is not fun at all. lol But, I'm stubborn and usually will try something myself to see if those comments were warranted or not. Hey, I have a vaccuum cleaner. :) Seam allowance? I think most tutorials I have read all say to use 1/2" (I could be wrong) so I would for sure try that with my first. I don't think I'd try smaller because I remember one blogger having a horrible time snipping because she used a smaller seam allowance. I might have a vaccuum for the mess, but I'm not good with making myself angry after all that work. LOL I was going to attempt some machine embroidery in some squares but wasn't sure how I'd go about that yet; if I would put some wash away stabilizer in or if the batting would be enough. I have over 300 redwork snowmen to choose from.
Thank you. Have fun with your vintage machine, but I hope yours gets back home soon.
I haven't made a rag quilt yet. Recently I saw a beautiful one made of homespun with wool batting, so that's what I'd like to try. -- soparkaveataoldotcom
Well, i can't answer any of your questions because I have never made a rag quilt! But it is on my bucket quilt list. Thank you for the opportunity to win the scissors, I may make one soon! I am a new follower.
Love your stuff - pretty darned nice for an "amateur".
I'm just a beginner so I really don't have enough rags to make a quilt - yet. I'm working on it.
I've been wanting to make a rag quilt but have only just recently bought and flannel. Now I need to find the directions to make one. hulseybg at gmail dot com
I just followed you on Pinterest. I love making rag quilts but then I found i had a whole bin of scraps. I made Log Cabin blocks out of the scraps and made the last log extra wide and use these blocks for rag quilts. I love them scrappy and I love using the fabric up. I always use batting and sew an x through the center.
I use 10" squares in my rag quilts.
I am a beginner quilt. hugs Alessandra
Hi Mike, great giveaway thanks for a chance and for being part of the Hop. I have never done a rag quilt so I can't help but I really want to learn how. I am doing scrap quilts.A follower am I new.
Awesome giveaway!! I haven't made a rag quilt yet but, I bought a kit at a local quilt shop a few years ago. Hmmm, maybe I should get that started :)
Oh I want to win - I love owls and what a nice quilt this would make...
Thanks for the great giveaway and a chance to win maybe...
I have never made a rag quilt but would definitely like to try
I'm a follower. I'm a beginner and I haven't made a rag quilt yet. I have some of that owl fabric. I love Owls!!!
I have only made one rag quilt, those scissors sure would have come in handy. If I win I will make another for sure! I used 5 inch squares adn I did use warm n natural batting.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Also I am a new follower.
i have only made one rag quilt but would love to make more and those lovely scissors would be so nice to have
I've made several, I usually use 1" seams, I X the seams and I've used all different sizes of blocks.
I have never made a rag quilt but ya never know in the quilting world what I might try next!
Thanks for the great giveaway!!
Very fun post you have here. Love it. Thanks. accuquilt rag die
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