I made 2 rag quilts using flannel, several prints from Moda and others unidentified. I got most of the fabrics at Marden's in Maine (great prices!) and at some quilt shops along the way. They both measure about 60 x 70 inches so they are great cuddly couch warmers :)... or throws :) I gave one to someone I work with for Secret Santa. I gave the other to my Sister-in-law in Washington state. I forgot to take pictures of one of them finished, so most of the pics are of the Secret Santa one.
This is the link to the full photo album.
Here are some posted for the blog:
Linking up at Link a Finish Friday!
Have a great day everyone!
Until next time,
I have Google+ comments activated, so if you are having trouble commenting you can comment on my Facebook page, Twitter feed, Flickr, Instagram, or Pinterest pages! ...On any of my photos or posts!!! I love getting comments! You can also email me at amateurquilter at gmail dot com! I will always respond! Thanks for stopping by! .... Mike.