I just wanted to say that it has been an interesting go around this time. Three people have emailed me or sent me a message via Facebook, Twitter, Email saying that my blog only allows them to comment if they sign up for Google+. I wanted to point out the positives and negatives here and clarify this. I have also allowed those readers to enter anyway by sending me an email so I can include them. (I'm just a good guy. Ask my mom.)
First off, making your blogger profile connected with Google+ no longer automatically makes you a "no-reply" blogger. They have fixed that. I've tested it with my wonderful blogger friends (Richard and Tanya Quilts and Diane at From Blank Pages) and IT'S TRUE!!!
Secondly, if you are not logged into a Google account (G+, gmail, or whatever) and you would like to comment on my blog, it will ask you to sign in. It does not mean that you are going to associate your blogger account with G+. It just needs to know who you are so you can leave a comment. It DOES appear that it is asking you to sign up for G+, but in reality Google has made it so that if you have any kind of Google account, you automatically have a Google+ page (whether you use it or not). Just sign in to your Google account and don't worry about it.
Thirdly, if you activate "Google+ comments" on Blogger, only people with Google (any account they are logged in with) can comment on your blog. No anonymous users. This is fine with me because I never allowed anons anyway. Too much spam!!!
If you have any questions, or want to test out your settings, shoot me an email (amateurquilter at gmail dot com) and we can work together on this.
Fourthly, I've decided that now when I do a giveaway I am going to give readers the option of commenting on my Facebook page if they do not have a Google account. I think it will be a good way of getting more "likes" on my page :) and it will keep me from alienating readers.
Lastly, it's inevitable. You're going to have to make G+ part of your blog. They are slowly getting us used to it. Blogger and G+ are going to be fully integrated at some point. The only question is, do you make the leap now or later. I don't work for them, but I have an MBA and a very good understanding of business and marketing. Face it. It's going to happen. On a good note, and I hope this is true, I hope they will follow the way of Wordpress and allow you to log in also with your Facebook or Twitter accounts as well if you want to leave a comment, but we will see on that.
I guess this would be sixthly, but I also wanted to mention that the integration with Blogger comments and Google + is phenomenal. When you comment on another G+ integrated blog, it will also give you the option of posting your comment to G+. So, it keeps a record that is also shared with your followers, i.e. they can see what blogs you visited and left a comment on. A great way of letting your followers know what you are following and what you found interesting without having to post about it! I love it!
And, I can't write a post without a nice quilting photo so here it is:
Today I am putting the binding on this quilt. I bought a beveled foot that is supposed to make machine binding come out more perfectly. I'm skeptical, but we will see. This picture is from the infant stages of this quilt. I hope to link it up for Link a Finish Fridays at Richard and Tanya Quilts next week.
Until next time,